Friday – 21 st Week in Ordinary Time Gospel - Matthew 25:1-13 Tough Love Church of Holy Sepulchre Anybody have one of those friends, someone who always seems to be in trouble or in need? Someone who always runs to you for help, for money, for solutions, for bail, or maybe even an alibi! And out of friendship, out of love, you always help them out. I mean, face it, isn’t that the Christian thing to do? And let’s turn the tables around. What about that one best friend who always tells you the truth. They tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. They are honest and sincere. They look out for your best interests even when you don’t want to hear the truth, much less follow their counsel. Now that is tough love. I think that’s what’s happening today in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. The foolish ones are asking for help; give us some of your oil. But the wise ones ...