13 th Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel – Mark 5:21-43 Faith in Action Chapel, Magdala There’s a story about a little girl living on a farm with her family. One morning, before sunrise, her dad asks her to go out to the bar to milk the cows. She was terrified! She was afraid of the dark and making that long walk to the barn. So her dad gave her a lantern to light her way. And he gave her these simple instructions – just go as far as the light will take you! Don’t worry about the entire journey to the barn; just follow the light and it will guide your way. Just have a little faith! And isn’t that what today’s Gospel is all about? Faith! And wasn’t that the same message of last week’s Gospel as well? But what a contrast! Last week, the Apostles lost faith while they were in the midst of the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Even though Jesus was right there with them, they feared for their lives. ...