Tuesday – 5th Week of Easter Gospel – John 14:27-31 Peace and Quiet Mass at Mt. Tabor One of the most difficult things I ever had to do was teaching high school boys how to meditate! It was difficult but rewarding, required a lot of patience to get them to slow down, quiet down – not something teenagers are accustomed to do. And then all it took to destroy the moment was for one kid to sneeze and the entire class, one by one, would respond with ‘God bless you.” (more for effect than compassion!). We always talk about how much we want peace and quiet and yet, when we get it, too often we get impatient and uncomfortable with it. We tell ourselves we ought to be doing something or we let ourselves get distracted. We seem to be uneasy when all is calm and quiet; we just can’t handle silence. But too often, we seem to define peace as the ‘lack’ or ‘absence’ of something else. Peace is the absence of war, t...