Thursday - Second Week of Lent Gospel – Luke 16:19-31 If I Were A Rich Man… Homeless Sculpture, Capernaum When we first got married, we lived in a very tiny studio apartment. We used wooden nail kegs as chairs and a cable reel as our table. We made our own Christmas ornaments that first year and still have some of them to this day. We would spend some cold days at the Library because the apartment was too cold. Our one luxury was a sofa sleeper! Were we rich? By any economic standard, definitely not! Were we happy? Absolutely! Granted, we look back on that time with a touch of nostalgia but, all in all, we made do with what we had! We didn’t really focus on what we didn’t have or couldn’t afford! We just made good use of what we had! The Rich Man in today’s Gospel just doesn’t get it! It’s not that Jesus is condemning everyone who is rich. I think it’s more about what are you doing ...