Thursday – 21 st Week in Ordinary Time Gospel - Matthew 24:4-51 Ready? Set! Go! Caesarea Philippi Now that summer is effectively over and school is back in session, time to reminisce a bit! Remember that first day of school when we were little? Maybe we were excited? Maybe upset that the summer was over? Maybe glad that we get to see our friends again? Maybe nervous about a new teacher, new classes, (new homework)! But do you remember all the work, all the preparation that our parents went through to get us ready for that day? Shopping for school supplies, new clothes/uniforms! Trips to the grocery store for extra food to make for school lunches! Maybe even getting us up early weeks before school started so that we were back on schedule. Our parents probably spent weeks getting us ready for that first day of school. And for many of you, you were doing exactly the same thing thi...