Monday – St Ignatius Loyola revisited Gospel – Matthew 13:31-35 With Great Abandon! Making Zucchini Bread! You see this dot at the end of this sentence. Yeah, the period. That’s how big (small) a mustard seed is. That tiny little dot that Jesus talks about in today’s Gospel. That smidgen that can end up growing to a height of over 9 feet! What Jesus doesn’t mention is that the mustard plant is essentially a weed! Once it takes root, it grows with great abandon and is almost impossible to get rid of. Kind of like kudzu in the South! Nobody sows mustard seed; nobody puts it in their garden. If they did, it would take over the garden and choke out any other plants. Such an exaggeration! And in the second of today’s parables, Jesus speaks of a woman who prepares 3 measures of flour to make bread. One thing I have become relatively proficient at over this past 4 p...