Friday – 12 th Week in Ordinary Time Gospel – Matthew 8:1-4 Father Knows Best Chapel at Magdala At some point in our lives, we have probably had that unfortunate experience of wanting something a bit too much. Maybe it was a toy, a new bike, fancy sneakers, whatever. And we were willing to do anything to get it – even throw a nice little tantrum in public to get our point across. I did that once for a bright red sweater that I thought I just had to have. And I sulked and pouted in the store until I got what I wanted. Not very proud of that! In the end, I probably only wore that sweater a couple of times before I got tired of it. In today’s Gospel, we have a leper who only wants one thing – to be cured. But his approach is not that of a little kid. First of all, He approaches Jesus! Jesus performs a lot of miracles in the Gospels but, the majority of the time, it is Jesus approaching the afflicted person. And ...