Saturday – 17 th Week in Ordinary Time (revisited) Gospel – Matthew 14:1-12 Gotcha! Old City of Jerusalem Remember when you were little and you did something wrong? Maybe you broke something and then tried to hide the evidence. Maybe you stole something or played with matches. Maybe you lied to your parents, maybe more than once! And nothing happened! You thought you got away with it and you breathed a sigh of relief. And then later on, days even months, suddenly the truth comes out and bites you in the rear. You thought all was well and then it all comes back to haunt you. That’s what happens to Herod Antipas in today’s Gospel. He hears about Jesus, the preacher, the miracle worker. And his first thought is – oh no, John the Baptist is risen from the dead. He has come back to torment me again, even though I had him beheaded. Herod had let his insecurities, his fear...